Monday, March 17, 2014

Member Insurance Information.

As announced at the AGM (2014), the Club has taken out new insurance cover for the protection of our members for the 2014 season. Our brokers, Carrick Neil, will shortly provide us all with plastic cards (credit card size) that will give a summary of our cover. When these arrive arrangements will be made for their distribution to the membership.

For your information, and using layman's language, we are presenting here our best interpretation of the cover that we have purchased.

a.) Each member of RPGC will have liability protection should they be deemed responsible for the accidental bodily injury, death or disease of any person arising out of the member's activities at Ross Priory Golf Club. This cover will also apply should such accident occur while the RPGC member is temporarily at any other golf club in the world. This is interpreted as meaning that the RPGC member would NOT be covered if they were also a member of the other golf club, unless that golf club had the same cover for its members. The limit of this protection is £5 million.

b.) Each member of RPGC will have liability protection if they are deemed responsible for the accidental loss of, or damage to, third party property arising out of the member's activities at RPGC. The limit of this cover is £10,000.

c.) Each member of RPGC will also be compensated, up to a limit of £15,000, should they be killed, suffer loss of limbs or sight, or suffer permanent total disablement, arising out of activities at RPGC.

d.) In addition, if a member of RPGC achieves a hole-in-one at RPGC while playing in an official "qualifying" medal or stableford strokeplay competition held at the golf club, that member will receive a payment of £75. If this happens, keep your scorecard.

Claim forms, for any of the above, can be obtained from myself.

Allan Drewette, Treasurer

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